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About Us Real relationships – rare insights

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Silverwood’s trusted advisors have extensive experience in developing solutions that are tailored to meet our clients’ needs. At Silverwood, that nuanced understanding is paired with deep resources. We have the ability to identify the risk, measure the need, and execute on securing coverage.

Insurance is about people, not policies

The Silverwood Risk Management team has an intimate understanding of our clients’ needs. Silverwood’s team of trusted advisors operates with a level of personalized attention and professional care that is extraordinarily rare in the insurance world. Our white-glove service model means clients can call their advisor (not a service center) at any time for a consultation, review, or just to say “hello”. Clients can be confident that we are working in their best interest, not the best interest of an insurance company.

Absolute independence

Silverwood acts in our clients’ best interests, prioritizing their security, stability, and legacy.

Unlike insurance agents that are contractually obligated to sell through a specific carrier, Silverwood’s trusted advisors operate under an independent brokerage model. The model provides flexibility, purchasing power, and negotiating leverage, all of which translate to optimal solutions for our clients.